HLS Productions is a one stop production company capable of producing a wide range of content for a wide range of clients. Our flagship program, Hook, Line and Sinker is a television fishing and boating program which has aired in Australia for the past 20 years!
We also have a proven track record at creating content across a range of industries. Husband and wife team Andrew and Bella Hart plus our wonderful videographer and editor in chief Sally Wilson all bring something to the table in this dynamic team. Andrew certainly knows how to star on a tv show, hook a fish and drop a boat on a boat ramp. Bella draws from her background as a graphic designer and her vast experience in the tourism and hospitality marketing space, and Sally is the nicest person in the world with over 20 years of editing experience leading her into the exciting world of videography where she knows the shots she needs to cut up premium content for our clients. With the combined experience from each team member hls productions certainly has the ability to capture and share your story... so drop us a line today! |